Founder of Australian Outfitters Mike Mackay has been involved in the hunting industry for more than 50 years, with Australian Outfitters operating more than 35 years making it possibly the longest serving outfitter in Australia. Mike is without peer when it comes to safari hunting, with an intimate knowledge of both animal behavior and the environments in which they live. Working as a professional guide, Mike has traveled extensively not only in Australia, but around the world. From guiding Australia’s most dangerous game, the Asiatic Water Buffalo and Wild Scrub Bulls to the 10 foot Grizzly Bear club of Alaska, Mike has done it all. Moose, Caribou, Mountain Lion, Sheep, Nilgai, Bull Thar the list is endless. When selecting an outfitter for your guided safari it is reassuring to know that Mike and his team of handpicked professionals at Australian Outfitters has the knowledge and experience to ensure that your dreams really will turn into reality.